seed treatment

In agriculture and horticulture, seed treatment or seed dressing is a chemical, typically antimicrobial or fungicidal, with which seeds are treated (or "dressed") prior to planting. ... Seed treatments can be an environmentally more friendly way of using pesticides as the amounts used can be very small.
Types of Seed Treatment
1. Seed Disinfection:
Seed disinfection refers to the eradication of fungal spores that have become established within the seed coat, or in more deep- seated tissues. For effective control, the fungicidal treatment must actually penetrate the seed in order to kill the fungus that is present.
2. Seed Disinfestations:
Seed disinfestations refer to the destruction of surface borne organisms that have contaminated the seed surface but not infected the seed surface. Chemical dips, soaks, fungicides applied as dust, slurry or liquid have been found successful.
3. Seed Protection:
The purpose of seed protection is to protect the seed and young seedling from organisms in the soil which might otherwise cause decay of the seed before germination.

Procedure for Seed Treatment

Seed treatment is a term that describes both products and processes. Seed treatment can be done in one of the following types.
  1. Seed dressing: This is the most common method of seed treatment. The seed is dressed with either a dry formulation or wet treated with a slurry or liquid formulation. Dressings can be applied at both farm and industries. Low cost earthen pots can be used for mixing pesticides with seed or seed can be spread on a polythene sheet and required quantity of chemical can be sprinkled on seed lot and mixed mechanically by the farmers.
  2. Seed coating: A special binder is used with a formulation to enhance adherence to the seed. Coating requires advanced treatment technology, by the industry.
  3. Seed pelleting: The most sophisticated Seed Treatment Technology, resulting in changing physical shape of a seed to enhance palatability and handling. Pelleting requires specialized application machinery and techniques and is the most expensive application.

Advantages of seed treatment

  1. Protects germinating seeds and seedlings against soil and seed borne pathogens/insects.
  2. Seed germination enhancement.
  3. Early and uniform establishment and growth
  4. Enhances nodulation in legume crop.
  5. Better than soil and foliar application.
  6. Uniform crop stand, even in adverse conditions   (less/high moisture)


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